Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Airline list price southwest


In the economy and business, the price is good, the service or the property the digital money value which entrusts with. The price concept to it is most important invariable middle in the resource distribution theoretically microeconomics is central (and call price theory). The price and is central is four invariable middle uses the development marketing plan to it in the marketing mix enterprise people the marketing. In the ordinary usage, the price is the payment or the compensation quantity is a something. Perhaps the people said about the criminal, he has ' to pay the price to social ' to suggest he has paid the penalty or the compensation. Perhaps they said that, some person pays him stupidly to suggest he has suffered the result. The economist scenery price in pays each other as the exchange ratio between the goods. In barters in the situation in the quantity is x and between the y two goods, x price is ratio y/x, when the y price is ratio x/y. This however has not been identically used, in order to is old chaotic frequently reappears about the value. Something value is the quantity counts the numeraire common unit which calls in the value, perhaps even is as soon as fictionalizes well. This makes the quite different goods. The unit of value and the price frequently are confused, because the market value is calculated took some good quantity rides by its nominal price. The price theory asserted, market price reflection interaction in between two oppositions considerations. In □one side is the demand consideration basis few non-profit organizations, when is supplies the consideration in opposite party to act according to the marginal cost. The equilibrium price should be immediately equal (counts with the few non-profit organizations in income unit) from buyer on the one hand and the marginal cost from seller's on the other hand. Although this viewpoint accepts by nearly each economist, and it constitutes the mainstream economical core, it was serious is recently interpellated. Some times when the people debated the use value to exchanges the value, is frequently contradictory to the Jin'gang quarry water (value contradictory to feel strange). The use value should give usefulness some measure, later is refined the achievement is the few non-profit organizations counts in the value common unit) the few advantage (works as the exchange value is how many you is good is according to in addition, namely any the measure now is called the relative price. Change in money price and relative or between real price (when exchange ratio) frequently produces. The money price is the price sections out in the money when relative or the real price is exchanges the ratio between the genuine goods no matter money. Is differentiated makes sense the inflation. When all prices are quoted the basis money unit, and the price balanced changes in the money unit more or less, the exchange rate cannot change many. In exceptional case aspect, if all prices have quoted in the money change in the similar proportion, the relative price still is same. It now is understanding which becomes, distinguishes is not useful and indeed does not hide mainly is chaotic. The proportion change does not affect the real price in all moneys price the traditional ideas is, and therefore should not affect or the demand or the supply and therefore should not also affect the product. The new criticism is, why the essential question has the more moneys payment similarly old genuine product. If this question were answered, it indicated, dynamic, since the real price accurately still is same, the product possibly changes in fact, just because other money allows other product to trade. The supply curve possibly shifts like this, by the old price, newly a higher product is sold. This shift if is impossible not to have other money. From this viewpoint, the price and the opportunity cost are similar, namely, any must give up exchange good or serves that to purchase. For example, if x=1 and the y=2, x relative price is 2, and the y price acts according to according to y x is 0.5. The project price and shouts out the price the grid point, specially it mentions the establishment price grid point a limited numeral store place. For example, 林吉特 general is a department store or the "establishment price grid point only in the even amount, for example accurately one, two, three, five, or ten 林吉特 five and angle money" store (in other people). Other depositing (for example US dollar store, pound store, European store, 100 Japanese Yen stores, and so on) only valuable grid point ($1, 1? 1, 100), perhaps although this price purchases in certain situations surpasses in the middle of some unusual minor term goals. In the Marxian economical aspect, to the price growth use took convenient way survey goods produced by labor the economy or the trade value took in the universal history and the anthropology were explained, according to equivalent exchanges to the money use development in the economy. But, felt in the anthropology history that, the Marxian economist argued "price" not necessarily is a fund; It can be any owner good obtains is returning, when exchanges that is good. The money price merely is the price most common form. Marxian economist extremely strict area don't between real price and ideal price. The real price is the actual market price experience in the trade. The ideal price is the hypothesis price which can realize if certain situations can apply. The most equilibrium price supposes the price, never realizes in fact, and therefore limited use, although in the concept price possibly affects the true economic activities. According to Marxian economist, when all goods produced by labor existence has the economic value in the economy, only has minority them to have the real price; Most goods and property any time is not traded, and they have the best hypothesis price. Six criticizes the economist to make 新古典 principle economy Marxian is that 新古典 principle price theory: Finally opposed sometimes also was explained took the value is contradictory, observes by the classical economist. Adam Smith describes any present to call the diamond - water contradictory: The diamond controls a higher price compared to water, the water is basic is living, when the diamond merely is decorates. One kind of explanation has provided for this contradiction is through the few non-profit organizations' theory by Cull Menger, the economical Austria school father proposition. Was similar to the William barber to invest it, human's will, the human subject, "has brought for stage central" by the marginalist economy, took bargained tool. 新古典 the principle economist seeks clarifies the choice to open to the producer and the consumer in the market form, perhaps and the "frightened cleavage in the economic structure is cannot the bridging be able thus is suppressed". Not only the denying value Austrian theory serviceability likes subjectively, in the price behavior certain context, Pole economist Oskar Lange felt it is necessary attempts the serious integration which the classical political economy sees clearly by 新古典 the principle economy. This then causes the price one kind of more realistic theory and the true behavior responds the price. The Marginalist theory lacks any thing to like the genuine market society frame the theory to play the role, and criticized sends the spark by the capital to argue initiated by Piero Sraffa revealed mostly the value marginalist theory basic principle principle or reduced to the synonymy repeatedly, or the theory was real only if counter-factual adaption application. As soon as sees clearly frequently is neglected in the debate about the price theory is something, the merchant knows keen: With the different market, the price cannot play the role basis similar principle except in some extremely abstract (and therefore is not extremely useful) felt. It knew from the classical political economist to Michal Kalecki that, the price displayed for the industry goods has been different with the price is the agricultural goods, but this idea could and serves other broad groups to the goods further to expand.

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